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Randomize Patrons in a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To Guides for randomizing mail lists
Add Patrons to a Mail List Via the Batch Function
2023-03-13How-To Guides for adding patrons to mail lists via a batch function
Add Patrons to a Mail List Via Drag and Drop
2023-03-13How-To Guides for adding patrons to mail lists via drag and drop
Allow Patrons to (Un)Subscribe to a Mail List Online
2023-03-13How-To Guides for adding patrons to mail lists via online subscription
Add Patrons to a Mail List Via the Patron Window
2023-03-13How-To Guides for adding patrons to mail lists via patron window
Add Patrons to a Mail List Via a Query
2023-03-13How-To Guides for adding patrons to mail lists via a database query
Add Patrons to a Mail List Via a Ticket Purchase
2023-03-13How-To Guides for adding patrons to mail lists via ticket purchase
Create a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To Guides for creating a new mail list
Delete a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To Guides for deleting mail lists
Find a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To guide for finding mail lists
Merge a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To Guides for merging mail lists
Rebuild a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To Guides for rebuilding mail lists
Remove Patrons from a Mail List Via the Batch Function
2023-03-13How-To Guides for removing patrons from mail lists via a batch function
Remove Patrons from a Mail List Via the Patron Window
2023-03-13How-To Guides for removing patrons from mail lists via the patron window
Remove Patrons from a Mail List Via a Query
2023-03-13How-To Guides for removing patrons from mail lists
Remove Patrons from a Mail List Via an Unsubscribe File
2023-03-13How-To Guides for removing patrons from mail lists via na unsubscribe file
Review Who's In a Mail List
2023-03-13How-To Guides for reviewing who's in a mail list
Use a Mail List Who's In Tab
2023-09-05How-To Guides for actions you can take on the who's in tab