Use a Mail List Who's In Tab (How To)

Assign Solicitor From a Mail List   Top

Mail List **Set Solicitor** Button
Mail List **Set Solicitor** Button

You can assign a campaign solicitor en masse to selected patrons in the Who's In Tab by clicking the Set Solicitor button.

Export Patron Information From a Mail List   Top

You can export patron data from a Mail List into one of the following formats:

  • Text, Tab Delimited (.txt)
  • Text, Comma Delimited (.csv)
  • Excel 97-2004 Workbook (.xls)
  • Excel 2008 Workbook (.xlsx)

These files types can be opened with Microsoft Excel or other suitable program and displayed as a spreadsheet. To export patrons from a mail list, you perform the following steps:

Step 1

Open the Mail List you want to export patron data from.

Step 2

Click on the Who's In Tab. All of the columns currently displayed in this list will be exported. Adjust your visible columns as needed.

Step 3

Select all of the records you want to exports. To quickly select the entire list, highlight the top record, then Shift+Click on the bottom record. Alternatively, you can Control+Ato select all (Command+A on a Mac).

Step 4

Click the Export button and select the file format you want.

Step 5

Your operating system's Save Dialog will open. Enter a meaningful name and the location where you wish to save the file, then click Save.

Step 6

To view the file, open it in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

Mail List **Label** Button
Mail List **Label** Button

You can prepare and print patron address labels for everyone in the Who's In Tab by clicking the Label button.

Search Duplicates From a Mail List   Top

Mail List **Duplicates** Button
Mail List **Duplicates** Button

You can search for and merge duplicate patrons from the subset of database patrons in the Who's In Tab by clicking the Duplicates button.

View Map and Weather From a Mail List   Top

Mail List **Get** Options
Mail List **Get** Options

You can view patron locations in Google Maps or view the weather at a patron's location by selecting at least one patron in the Who's In Tab, Right-Clicking (or Control+Clicking on a Mac) to open the context menu, and navigating to the Get options.

Attach Tasks From a Mail List   Top

Mail List **Task** Option
Mail List **Task** Option

You can add a task to selected patrons in the Who's In Tab by Right-Clicking (or Control+Clicking on a Mac) to open the context menu, and selecting the Create Task for Selected Patrons button.

Add Passes From a Mail List   Top

You can add a pass en masse to selected patron's in the Who's In Tab with this How-To Guide for passes.

Get DonorSearch Analytics From a Mail List   Top

Mail List **DonorSearch** Options
Mail List **DonorSearch** Options

If your organization uses DonorSearch, you can prompt the following actions for any selected patrons in the Who's In Tab by Right-Clicking (or Control+Clicking on a Mac) to open the context menu and navigate to the DonorSearch Analytics options: