Payment Screen >> Prior Payments Tab

Payment Screen >> Prior Payments Tab (Reference)

Read more about the Prior Payments Tab here.

**Date Received **

Date the payment was recieved.

Payment Origin

Where the payment came from.


Represents the payment source.

Auth #

Credit card authorization number for credit card payments.

Total Paid

Value of the payment.

Dep #

Deposit number for the payment.


Outlet responsible for collecting the payment.

Order #

The Order Number the payment is associated with.

Last Name

Last name of the patron associated with the payment.

First Name

First name of the patron associated with the payment.


A Description of the payment.

Trans Date

Date and time the transaction took place.

Journal No

A unique journal number for tracking the transaction line.


The transaction code used to describe the type of transaction.

Transaction Desc

Description of the transaction.

Order #

The order number for the transaction. This number can be used to track the transaction by order.

Play Code

Play code is only displayed if the transaction effects and event.

Performance Code

Performance code is only displayed if the transaction effects a performance.


The type of transaction.

**Description of Entry **

Detail on the the purpose of the transaction.

- Can be used to manually enter a transaction.

- Opens the detail window of the transaction.

- Deletes the selected transaction.

- Used to search for specific transactions.