Adjusting the dimensions of the map's background display only works on 64 bit versions of Theatre Manager that have an SVG map already in place for pick-your-own seats.
1. When the maps are showing seats that are offset as per the image to the right, there are five general steps to take as per below. These steps should work if you already have enabled pick your own seats - which means you have previously created the SVG map for this venue.
If you see no picture, try step 2 & 3 once.
if you still see no picture, then you'll need to drop in your SVG image as if you are making the map from scratch.
Click the Graphic Map tab
2. There are three situations that occur:
- The map background and the seats align - go to step 4
- The map background is larger than the seat and making the background smaller could make the seats align. If this is the case, enter a smaller number into the height field. Use approximation so that if the picture looks about 1/3 too big, decrease the height by 1/3
- The map background is smaller than the seat and making the background larger could make the seats align. If this is the case, enter a larger number into the height field. Use approximation so that if the picture looks about 1/3 too small, increase the height by 1/3
Click the gear to the right of the height field. You should see a message for a few seconds indicating that TM is working on recreating the background JPEG.
3. If there are no errors creating the background JPEG, a new image will appear behind the seats.
- If the seats and map align a way that you want, Go to step 4
- If the seats and map still do not align, you have three choices:
- Go back to step 2 and repeat the process -and/or-
- Move and/or adjust seats as necessary to make the map look good.
- As a last resort, if you simply can't get the seats and map iteratively closer by changing the height of the map or moving seats, you can always make a new map background (call support first since this shouldn't be necessary).
4. Once seats and background are aligned, you need to rebuild the pick your own seat map.
- Click the Preview Map button to see your pick your seats map. If it looks good, skip to step 5
- Click the Place Seats-SVG Map button
- Make sure to select Use the current SVG map and update seat locations option
- Click the Step 2 button on this window and do the rest of the process.
- Note: the translation numbers in step 3 are likely correct, but if not, refer to adjusting them in the help for Place Seats-SVG Map
5. When you are completely satisfied with the look of the map on the Graphic Map tab and the SVG map for pick your own seats.
- Click on the Description Tab
- Click on the Enable pick-your-own seats option on the description tab (but only if you still want to enable it)
- Click Save
Your map is now converted for 64 bit Theatre Manager and it will look the same on Macintosh, Windows and the web, all from the original SVG map.