Print a Pass (How To)

Once a pass has been purchased, you can print it on ticket stock for a patron to take with them. Use the following steps:

Find and select the pass
Patron Pass Tab

Print the pass
  • Click the Print button
  • Follow any popup promtps
Print Button

The pass will be printed to the default printer set for the employee in Hardware Preferences.

To print an updated pass that has already been printed, you may need to first unprint it using the same steps as above with the Unprint button instead.

Find and open the pass
Patron Pass Tab

Review the appropriate attached document
  • On the Pass Detail Window, go to the Letters Tab
  • Find the correct merged letter
  • If necessary, single-click and hit the Document button to open the letter and preview and/or edit its contents
  • Close the Document Detail Window when you are ready
Pass Detail Window with Opened Document

Print the selected document
  • On the Letters Tab, make sure the letter is selected
  • Click the Print Letter button
Pass Detail Window >> Letters Tab

The merged letter will print as per the settings you select on your operating system's print dialogue window.

Batch Print Passes   Top

Open the print pass wizard
  • Go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Unprinted Passes
Setup >> Batch Functions >> Print Unprinted Passes

Enter search parameters
  • On the Search Tab of the Print Pass Wizard, enter criteria to search for select passes (typically Membership Date Last Updated)
  • Click Next to proceed to the next screen
Print Pass Wizard: Search Tab

Choose the appropriate order balance criteria
  • On the Selection Limits Tab, choose which type of order balance should be required as additional criteria to your search
  • Click Next to proceed
Print Pass Wizard: Selection Limits Tab

Select which additional items to print
Print Pass Wizard: Additional Items Tab

Pick the sort option
  • On the Sort Tab, select the first and second sort items for the final printout
  • Click the Done button to close the Parameter Window
Print Pass Wizard: Sort Tab

Select how to print the passes
  • On the Batch Print Screen, which displays the count of passes (and other items) pulled from the selection parameters you just entered, decide which Ticket Butting Option you want
  • Click Start Printing to close the window and start the printing process
Print Pass Wizard: Batch Print Screen

The passes (and any other selected items) will begin printing to the printer selected on the user's Hardware Preferences.

Batch Unprint Passes   Top

To unprint multiple passes at one time, use the following steps:

Open the batch unprint feature
  • Go to Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Passes
Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Passes

Enter search parameters
  • On the Printed Pass List Window, select a search field from the dropdown (typically Date Printed)
  • Enter a search range appropriate to the selected search field
Printed Pass List Window

Start the search
  • Click the search icon to process the search
Search Icon

Find and select the passes to be unprinted
  • Sort and review the results of the search
  • Single-click to select the appropriate passes to be unprinted (to select non-contiguous items, Control-click on a Windows or Option-click on a Mac)
Printed Pass List Window with Results

Unprint the selected passes
  • Click the Unprint button
Unprint Button

The printed flag on the selected passes has been changed to unprinted and they can now be added to a new print batch.