Mail Lists (Tutorial)

Add Patron To Mail List   Top

Mail List Tab
Mail List Tab

Adding a Mail List to a patron record involves 3 basic steps:

  1. Select a Mail List
  2. Add the Mail List to the Patron Record
  3. Close the Mail List window

The following tutorial demonstrates how to manually add a Mail List to a patron record.

Use the following steps to practice adding a patron to a Mail List from a patron's Mail List Tab:

Click on the Mail List Tab
  • In the Patron Record, click on the Mail List tab
Mail List Tab

Click on the Add button
  • On the Mail List tab click the Add button in the lower toolbar
  • This will open a context menu
Add Button

Add more Mail Lists to this Patron

The context menu has two options:

  • Add more Mail Lists to this patron or:
  • Resubscribe patron to selected mail list if they are currently marked unsubscribed
  • Select Add more Mail Lists to this patron
  • This will open the Mail List Lookup window
Context Manu

Mail List Lookup
  • The Mail List Lookup Window opens with an empty search
  • The system defaults to the Mail List Name search parameter
  • Click the Magnifying Search button to bring up all the active Mail Lists
Lookup Window

Review Newly Added Mail List
  • Back on the Mail List tab you will see the new Mail list
Mail List Tab

Find Patrons With Multiple Household Members   Top

To create a Mail List that answers the question "How many patron accounts have more than one member in the household?", perform the following steps:

Click the Mail List button in the main Theatre Manager toolbar to open the Mail Lists Window.

Create New Mail List

Click the New button. The Mail List Criteria window opens.

Enter a descriptive name in the Mail List Name field and enter a description in the Description Tab.

Click the Save button.

Change the select drop-down to All Patrons In Household and Save.

Patron Type Drop-Down

Click the Criteria Groups Tab.

Criteria Group Tab

Click the Create Group button and chose To ADD Patrons To The Mail List.

Create Add Group

The Mail List Search Window opens.

Select Data File

Chose Patron Data from the drop-down list, then click the Next button. The Parameters Search Window opens.

Click the New button. The Edit Report Parameters Window opens.

Add Criteria To Parameters Window

Choose Patron # and select the condition that says is greater than or equal to 1.

Click the Save button. You are returned to the Parameters Window. Note your selected criteria Patron # is greater than or equal to 1.

Household Options

You are returned to the Mail List Criteria Window. Your final criteria should look EXACTLY like this.

Criteria Groups Tab

You now have a list of all patrons in the database who are part of a TM household with at least one primary member and one tertiary member.