Personnel Management (Reference)

Personnel are an integral part of every organization. Using the Volunteer window, you can keep track of:

  • Detailed Notes on your volunteers
  • Physical and other information in the Personnel tab
  • Add the Volunteer Positions they have held and the hours worked
  • Keep track of the Times they are Available
  • Any Awards they have received according to the number of hours they have volunteered
  • Any Tasks that may have been assigned to them through the Facility module

Detail Window   Top

To access this window use the Personnel button on the Patron Record toolbar.

Personnel Detail Window
Personnel Detail Window

Detail / Notes Tab   Top

This tab contains detailed information on the personnel.

Details/Notes Tab
Details/Notes Tab

Greeting The greeting that the individual prefers.

Birthday The individual's birthday.

Age Code The age code of the individual. The selection can be modified in Code Tables.

If the individual is active and if so when the best times for them to work are. This drop down field can also be edited in code tables.

The height of the individual.

The weight of the individual.

SIN # The individual's Social Insurance Number.

The gender of the individual.

Hours Summary
Shows a yearly summary of hours worked for the past five years, and a summary of all years prior.

General personnel Notes
General notes about the individual.

Personnel Tab   Top

The personnel tab displays additional criteria that can be tracked about the volunteer.

Personnel Tab
Personnel Tab

Hair Colour
The hair colour of the volunteer. The list is adjustable in Code Tables >> Personnel Hair Colour.

Eye Colour
The eye colour of the volunteer. The list is adjustable in Code Tables >> Personnel Eye Colour.

Vocal Range
The vocal range of the volunteer. The list is adjustable in Code Tables >> Personnel Vocal Range.

The instrument the volunteer plays. The list is adjustable in Code Tables >> Personnel Instrument.

Check box to denote whether the personnel dances.

Check box to denote whether the personnel sings.

Check box to denote whether the volunteer acts.

Personnel Flag #4
Additional assignable flag that can be used for tracking personnel.

Personnel Flag #5
Additional assignable flag that can be used for tracking personnel.

Position Tab   Top

Position Tab
Position Tab

The positions tab is part of the personnel Window and displays the positions which the volunteer can perform. Functions of this tab are add a position, edit a position, and delete a position.

{% block_image(path="images/personnel/position-tab.png", caption="Position Tab") %}

The Personnel code of the position. The codes are set up in Code Tables >> Volunteer Activities.

If the personnel is still interested in the position.

The date last contacted.

If the activity was paid.

If any historical information is available.

The preference rating of the personnel for the position on a scale of 1-10.

The total number of hours worked in the position.

Paid $
The total amount that was paid for the activity.

Last Year
The last year that the personnel performed the position.

The last year that the volunteer performed the position.

New Inserts a new position through the Positions For Window.

Shows the details for the selected position as well as allowing editing in the Positions For Window.

Deletes the selected position.

Time Available Tab   Top

This tab displays the times which the personnel is available and when there may be a conflict with their schedule.

Time Available Tab
Time Available Tab

Month The month of the entered time.

The day of the entered time.

The start of the time available or conflict.

The end of the time available or conflict.

The type of time entered i.e. Available or Conflict.

Notes about the time.

The outlet at which the personnel works.

Date Start
The date that the availability or conflict ends.

Date End
The date that the availability or conflict ends.

Time Start
The time that the availability or conflict starts.

Time End
The time that the availability or conflict ends.

Outlet Code
The code for the outlet which the personnel works at.

New Time Wizard
Starts the New Time Wizard.

New Opens the Time For Window through which you can add conflicting or available times. Click here to learn how to add new times.

Opens the Time For Window with the data for the selected time(s) allowing for editing if needed.

Delete - Deletes the currently selected time.

Awards Tab   Top

This tab contains award information on the personnel. You can also add, edit and delete awards.

When you keep track of your personnel's hours worked through the Volunteer Module, you can assign those hours towards awards. Personalizing your volunteer recognition component of your program is the best form of showing appreciation for the contribution of personnel. For example, For every 10 hours a personnel works, they receive one ticket. You can use this tab to assign the award and keep track of how many awards they have received.

The awards available for selection are defined in the Personnel Awards Code Table.

Award Tab
Award Tab

Date Awarded
The date the award was given.

The award that was given.

Hours Recognized
The number of hours that were recognized with the award.

Any notes that were entered with the award.

Outlet Owner
The main organization name.

The specific outlet that this volunteer was awarded for working at.

Creates a new award.

Opens the currently selected award.

Deletes the currently selected award.

Personnel Marketing Tab   Top

The marketing tab on the Volunteer Window contains the same information at the marketing tab on the Patron window - the information is repeated here for ease of entry. Changing data in either window results in the same changes to the database.

Marketing Tab
Marketing Tab

Personnel History   Top

The Activity History / Evaluations is the lower section of the window and contains all the activities the volunteer has participated in.

New Clicking the New button allows you to add New Activity History for the personnel.

Opens the currently selected history for viewing or editing

Deletes the selected History

Allows you to search for a Play / Event to associate the history to.