Info Window (Reference)

Letter Info Window   Top

{% left_image(path="images/letter-info-window.png", caption"Letter Info Window") %} The Letter Info Window opens when a new letter is created or by pressing the Info button on the Letter List Window. {% end %}

Letter Details: Name

File name of the Letter.

Letter Details: Email Subject

The email subject heading if the letter is designed to be emailed to patrons.

Letter Details: Folder

The folder where the letter will be saved.

Letter Details: Data Dropdown

The type of data file that can be contained within the letter. The merge fields on a letter follow the same principles as the search criteria on mail lists or reports.

Letter Details: Unsubscribe List

If an email is to be sent out with an unsubscribe capability on it, you need to specify a Mail List to track the unsubscribes. This allows you to pick a default for each mail list. you can use the same one for many letters if you want one common list for unsubscribe tracking. If none is specified as a default, you can always specify one on the Merge Window.

Letter Options: Base Template

A template Letter containing some base content or formatting that will be automatically included in creating this letter. An example of a template might be a letterhead. The default Normal template usually has nothing other than an empty page.

Letter Options: Access Groups

You can specify who has access to this letter using the access groups feature.

Letter Options: Active

Indicates if the displayed Letter is active or not

Letter Options: Cover Letter on Invoice Emails or Emailing Tickets

When checked:

  • The letter must be based on patron information
  • It must be active
  • It cannot contain a row of fields in a table

If the above are true, the letter can be used as a cover letter template for emailing invoices or tickets to the patron from the order window.

Letter Options: Retain All History for Letter

Cannot automatically remove any letters from a patron's letter tab during any purge process set up in system preferences

Template Options: Make this Document a Template

The current letter will be saved as a template to be used for future letters