Miscellaneous Reports

Miscellaneous Category
Miscellaneous Category

City Codes List   Top

City Codes List
City Codes List

This report generates a listing of all information contained in the City Table for Theatre Manager.

System Name: rCityCodeList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the information in Code Tables.

Code Tables Data   Top

Code Tables Data
Code Tables Data

This report generates a listing of all information contained in Code Tables for Theatre Manager.

System Name: rCodeTables

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the information in Code Tables.

Commission Listing   Top

Commission Listing
Commission Listing

This report generates a listing of all commission listings setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rCommissionList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the information in Commission Setup.

Standard Comments List   Top

Standard Comments List
Standard Comments List

This report generates a listing of Invoice Comments setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rCommentsList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify all Invoice Comments setup.

Default Data   Top

Default Data
Default Data

This report generates a copy of all information setup in Theatre Manager under Company (Outlet) Preferences.

System Name: rDefaultData

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the information in Company Preferences. This is also useful for sending to Arts Management Support if there are questions about the setup.

Employee Data & Access Rights   Top

Employee Data & Access Rights
Employee Data & Access Rights

This report generates a detail for each employee setup in Theatre Manager. It includes their information along with their security settings.

System Name: rEmployeeAccess

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the setup of an employee.

Employee Contact List   Top

Employee Contact List
Employee Contact List

This report generates a listing of all employee contact information from Theatre Manager.

System Name: rEmployeeList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report as a printable contact list for the organization's staff.

Letter List   Top

Letter List
Letter List

This report generates a listing of all Letters setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rFormLetterList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the Letters setup.

Workflow/Notification E-mail List   Top

Workflow/Notification E-mail List
Workflow/Notification E-mail List

This report generates a listing of all workflow notifications currently setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rNotificationList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify all workflow notifications.

Plug-In List   Top

Plug-In List
Plug-In List

This report generates a list of the plu-ins your organization has purchased from Arts Management Ltd. and installed in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rPlugInList

Promotion Code List   Top

Promotion Code List
Promotion Code List

This report generates a listing of all promotion codes setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rPromotionCodeList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the Promotion Codes.

Tax Rates List   Top

Tax Rates List
Tax Rates List

This report generates a listing of all tax rates currently in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rTaxRateList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to verify that all tax rates have been setup properly.

  • Accounting: Use this report to verify that all tax rates have been setup properly.

  • General Manager: Use this report to verify that all tax rates have been setup properly.

Pricing Map Graphic List   Top

Pricing Map Graphic List
Pricing Map Graphic List

This report allows you to view the graphic map you have created.

System Name: rTheatreMapGraphic

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the information in the Theatre Pricing Maps.

Venue Map List   Top

Venue Map List
Venue Map List

This report allows you to view the Pricing Maps you have created, if the seats have been named and the price codes used.

System Name: rTheatreMapList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the information in the Theatre Pricing Maps.

Venue Maps Seat List   Top

Venue Maps Seat List
Venue Maps Seat List

This report generates the seat codes and descriptions for each seat in the theatre.

System Name: rTheatreMapSeats

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the names seats file for a venue map. This is also useful for sending to Arts Management Support if there is a problem with the named seats for a venue.

Ticket Face List   Top

Ticket Face List
Ticket Face List

This report generates a listing of all ticket faces currently setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rTicketFaceList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the ticket faces that are setup.

Ticket Face List   Top

Ticket Face List
Ticket Face List

This report generates a listing of all ticket faces currently setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rTicketFaceList

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the ticket faces that are setup.

Ticket Face Detail   Top

Ticket Face Detail
Ticket Face Detail

This report generates a detail for each ticket face setup in Theatre Manager.

System Name: rTicketFaceDetail

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to view and verify the ticket faces setup. This is also useful for sending to Arts Management Support if there are problems with a ticket face.