Donation Reports & Tax Receipts

Donation and Tax Receipts Category
Donation and Tax Receipts Category

Donor Detail - Campaign & Year (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Detail - Campaign & Year (Fiscal)
Donor Detail - Campaign & Year (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

System Name: rDonationCamp

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report for a detailed listing of pledges to a campaign and patrons who gave. The patron's contact information and next contact date are also included.

Campaign List   Top

Campaign List
Campaign List

You use the Campaign List to print a list of Donation Campaigns.

System Name: rDonationCampaignList

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Provides a list of Donation Campaigns and can use this report to verify donation campaigns are set up correctly.

  • Accounting: Use this report to verify that donation campaigns and G/L accounts are setup properly.

  • General manager: Use this report to verify that donation campaigns and G/L accounts are setup properly.

Donor Detail - Campaign & Year (Program)   Top

Donor Detail - Campaign & Year (Program)
Donor Detail - Campaign & Year (Program)

You use the Campaign List to print a list of Donation Campaigns.

System Name: rDonationCampProgYr

Donation Cash Flow   Top

Donation Cash Flow
Donation Cash Flow

You use the Donation Cash Flow to print a a chart for the amount of time elapsed between donation date to payment date.

System Name: rDonationCashFlow

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Campaign payment types through the weeks of the campaign

Giving Level Matrix   Top

Giving Level Matrix
Giving Level Matrix

You use the Giving Level Matrix to print giving level matricies.

System Name: rDonationGivingList

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report to verify that all Giving Level matrices have been created properly.

Donor Detail - Giving Level   Top

Donor Detail - Giving Level
Donor Detail - Giving Level

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

System Name: rDonationLevel

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report to lookup all pledge from patrons by giving level.

Audit Trail - Donor & Pledge Daily Audit   Top

Audit Trail - Donor & Pledge Daily Audit
Audit Trail - Donor & Pledge Daily Audit

You use the Audit Trail - Donor Pledge & Daily Audit to tally data within a given time period (usually daily) based on the donations and payments recveived within a specified time frame. It is best run after the end of day wizard has been finished, because this is when all the sales postings have been finalized for the prior day and all payments have been deposited. This report can be run for a date range that is more than one day, for part of a day, or a time period that crosses two days.

System Name: rDonationPledgeAuditTrail

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: To print a list of donations and pledges received and evaluate the need to respond in a particular way to the donor. Use this report as a means of keeping an audit trail of donation transactions.

  • Accounting: Use this report as supporting information for bookkeeping or auditors.

Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary - Patron   Top

Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary - Patron
Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary - Patron

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to tally data within a given time period (usually daily) based on the donations and payments recveived within a specified time frame. It is best run after the end of day wizard has been finished, because this is when all the sales postings have been finalized for the prior day and all payments have been deposited. This report can be run for a date range that is more than one day, for part of a day, or a time period that crosses two days.

System Name: rDonationPledgeAuditTrailSum1

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary Campaign   Top

Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary Campaign
Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary Campaign

You use the Audit Trail - Donor & Receipt Summary Campaign to tally data within a given time period (usually daily) based on the donations and payments received within a specified time frame. It is best run after the end of day wizard has been finished, because this is when all the sales postings have been finalized for the prior day and all payments have been deposited. This report can be run for a date range that is more than one day, for part of a day, or a time period that crosses two days. This report gives you a quick summary of donation campaigns over time.

System Name: rDonationPledgeAuditTrailSum2

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: To evaluate the fluctuations in a campaign.
  • General Manager: Use this report as a quick summary of donation campaigns over a time period.

Donor with Balance Due   Top

Donor with Balance Due
Donor with Balance Due

You use the Donor with Balance Due to print a list of Patrons with a donation summary that have an outstanding balance due. This is used to manage all donation receiveables, including incomplete pledges (whether on schedule or not).

System Name: rDonationPledgeDue

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report to check on donations that have not been paid yet.

Donors Behind in Their Pledge Payments   Top

Donors Behind in Their Pledge Payments
Donors Behind in Their Pledge Payments

You use Donor Behind in Their Pledge Payments to print a list of people who have committed to donated using the typical pledge process; where:

  • You have Created a Pledge Schedule for the patron containing correspondence to be sent to them

  • You print and send the outstanding reminder letters (emails are sent automatically) indicating that their pledge payment is due.

  • The donor may (or may not) pay on the appropriate pledge due date. When they pay on their pledge balance: * The balance on the donation is reduced, which may result in a remaining balance, if not fully paid * The tax receipt can now be printed for the above payment, unless you are intending on doing one for end of year and indicated the appropriate receipt option when creating the donation.

  • This report will show people who are behind in the pledge payments. This is people who have not yet paid based on outstanding reminders

This report is NOT intended for patrons who:

  • Are paying for a donation using post dated payments or
  • For recurring donations which have no fixed end date and the subsequent donations are only created only at the time of next date due.

since those donations are always considered fully paid at time of entry - even if the money is not yet in the bank.

System Name: rDonationPledgeDueDetail

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Prints a listing of patrons behind in their donation payments and how far behind they are.

Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments   Top

Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments
Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments

You use the Donor & Pledge Summary with Payments to print a list of of patrons with a donation summary and the payments. This can manage donation receivables.

It can be used to see:

  • Contact information, company, address, and phone number
  • When a donation and its corresponding payments were given
  • Balance due on the donation, if any.
  • The campaign.
  • Donor receipt name.
  • Fiscal and program year.

System Name: rDonationPledgePayments

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Managing donation receivables.

Donor Program Insert - Giving Level   Top

Donor Program Insert window
Donor Program Insert window

Make sure to set summarization options in the Insert Summary tab to aggregate all donations by donor, household etc. before creating the PlayBill
Once this report is printed to screen, its is helpful to Copy/Paste it to MS-Word (or similar tool). Then all you need do is reformat the pasted text in the way you like your playbill to look by:

  • Changing some text to bold,
  • Adjusting fonts and font sizes
  • Making multiple columns -and/or-
  • Adding blank lines where appropriate

Program Insert reports are always printed in this following order:

  • Giving level (if you choose to aggregate multiple donations into one total, then it is the total of all donations)
  • Donor Program SORT NAME on the donation (patrons are not sorted alphabetically by last name)
Donor Program Insert - Giving Level
Donor Program Insert - Giving Level

You use the Donor Program Insert - Giving Level to view donor summary was previously created by previously running either one of the program listing by giving level reports. It prints by corporate/individual flag and giving level.

System Name: rDonationProgram

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report to create a program insert of patrons by giving level.
  • Marketing: Use this report to create a program insert of patrons by giving level.

Donor Program Insert - Giving Level with $$$ Total   Top

Donor Program Insert window
Donor Program Insert window

Make sure to set summarization options in the Insert Summary tab to aggregate all donations by donor, household etc. before creating the PlayBill
Once this report is printed to screen, its is helpful to Copy/Paste it to MS-Word (or similar tool). Then all you need do is reformat the pasted text in the way you like your playbill to look by:

  • Changing some text to bold,
  • Adjusting fonts and font sizes
  • Making multiple columns -and/or-
  • Adding blank lines where appropriate

Program Insert reports are always printed in this following order:

  • Giving level (if you choose to aggregate multiple donations into one total, then it is the total of all donations)
  • Donor Program SORT NAME on the donation (patrons are not sorted alphabetically by last name)
Donor Program Insert - Giving Level
Donor Program Insert - Giving Level

This report creates a listing of patrons in each giving level of a matrix that can be used as a front of house program insert. It also includes the dollar totals for the patron.

System Name: rDonationProgramCash

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each fiscal year and assist with projecting future donations.

  • General Manager: Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each fiscal year and assist with projecting future donations.

  • Marketing: Used to prepare the Playbill insert for Donor recognition.

Donor History - Combined Giving Listing   Top

Donor History- Combined Giving Listing
Donor History- Combined Giving Listing

You use the Donor History - Combined Giving Listing to pint a list of receipts and the Donor who recieved them.

System Name: rDonationProgramCombined.jpg

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Use this report to create a program insert of patrons by giving level.

  • Marketing: Use this report to create a program insert of patrons by giving level.

Charitable Tax Receipts for Donor (One Per Payment Style)   Top

Charitable Receipt - Per Payment Style
Charitable Receipt - Per Payment Style

The Charitable Receipts for Donor can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts Category. This is one of the two report options that can be used for automatic receipt generation for online purchases (as enabled in Campaign Detail Window >> Edits Tab).

Learn more about the special Donation Receipt Tab options used to build this report.

Further customization of the report can be setup in Company Preferences >> Donations Tab, including your issuing location and website, facsimile signature, receipt number, etc.

You use the Charitable Receipts for Donor to print tax receipts on a preprinted form according to the preferences on each donation. Theatre Manager prints previously unprinted receipts and updates them with the next receipt number. Receipts only print:

System Name: rDonationReceipt

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Print donation receipts on a preprinted form according to the preferences on each donation.

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Charitable Tax Receipts for Donor (Annual Statement Style)   Top

Charitable Receipt - Annual Style
Charitable Receipt - Annual Style

The Charitable Receipts for Donor can be found under the Donation Reports & Receipts Category. Read more about the report here.

You use the Charitable Receipts for Donor to print tax receipts on a preprinted form according to the preferences on each donation. Theatre Manager prints previously unprinted receipts and updates them with the next receipt number. Receipts only print:

System Name: rDonationReceiptAnnual

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: Print donation receipts on a preprinted form according to the preferences on each donation.

{% end %}

Audit List - Receipts   Top

Audit List - Receipts
Audit List - Receipts

You use the Audit List Receipts to print a list of receipts and the Donor who received them.

System Name: rDonationReceiptList

Intended Use Case:

  • Development: To print the donations in order of Fiscal Year

  • Use this report to see donation receipts that have been printed and ones waiting to be printed.

Donor Detail - Receipt   Top

Donor Detail - Receipt
Donor Detail - Receipt

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. This report creates a detailed listing of all donations by a patron and associated receipt information.

System Name: rDonationReceiptList2

  • Development: Use this report to check a patron's donation and receipt history.

Donor Detail - Year (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Detail - Year (Fiscal)
Donor Detail - Year (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

System Name: rDonations_1

  • Development: Use this report to see all donations based on a fiscal year.

Donor Detail - Year (Program)   Top

Donor Detail - Year (Program)
Donor Detail - Year (Program)

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

System Name: rDonations_1ProgYr1

  • Development: Use this report to see all donations based on a program year.

Donor Detail - Donor & Pledge   Top

Donor Detail - Donor & Pledge
Donor Detail - Donor & Pledge

You use the Donor Detail - Donor & Pledge to print a list a complete summary of the donation history for each patron including notes and comments. This report is sorted by donor.

System Name: rDonations_2

  • Development: Use this report to lookup a patron's donation history.

Donor Detail - Pledge History with Custom Fields (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Detail - Pledge History with Custom Fields (Fiscal)
Donor Detail - Pledge History with Custom Fields (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, including notes, comments and soft pledges.

System Name: rDonations_3

  • Development: Use this report to look at a patron's pledge history including custom donation field information.

Donor Detail - Pledge History with Custom Fields (Program)   Top

Donor Detail - Pledge History with Custom Fields (Program)
Donor Detail - Pledge History with Custom Fields (Program)

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

System Name: rDonations_3ProgYr

  • Development: Use this report to look at a patron's pledge history including custom donation field information.

Solicitor Summary   Top

Solicitor Summary
Solicitor Summary

You use the Solicitor Summary to print a list of receipts and the Donor who received them. This report creates a summary of each solicitor's pledges and donations that have been received.

System Name: rDonationSolicitorList

  • Development: Use this report to see how much money has been received for pledges and donations from each solicitor.

  • General Manager: Use this report to see how much money has been received for pledges and donations from each solicitor.

Donor Summary - Giving Level & Year (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Summary - Giving Level & Year (Fiscal)
Donor Summary - Giving Level & Year (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Summary - Giving Level & Year (Fiscal) to summarize the total donations and print the totals by fiscal year and giving level.

System Name: rDonationGivingYear

  • Development: Use this report to see a summary of giving levels for each program year of a campaign.

Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Fiscal)
Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Fiscal) to print a list of receipts and the Donor who received them.This report creates a summary of each campaign by fiscal year.

System Name: rDonationSummary2

  • Development: Use this report to evaluate donation campaigns over the course of a number of fiscal years.

Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Program)   Top

Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Program)
Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Program)

You use the Donor Summary - Campaign & Year (Program) to summarize the total donations and print the totals by program year and donation campaign.

System Name: rDonationSummary2ProgYr

  • Development: Use this report to evaluate donation campaigns over the course of a number of program years.

Donor Summary - Donor (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Summary - Donor (Fiscal)
Donor Summary - Donor (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Summary - Donor (Fiscal) to print a list of receipts and the Donor who received them. This report creates a listing of each patron's donor history by fiscal year.

System Name: rDonationSummaryDonor

  • Development: Use this report to look at patron's donation history by fiscal year.

  • General Manager: Use this report to look at patron's donation history by fiscal year and ticket buying.

Donor Summary - Donor (Program)   Top

Donor Summary - Donor (Program)
Donor Summary - Donor (Program)

You use the Donor Summary - Donor (Program) to print a quick synpsis of the Donations for each patron who has given. Phone numbers and addresses are printed, making this useful for telemarketing. This report creates a listing of each patron's donor history by fiscal year.

System Name: rDonationSummaryDonorProgYr

  • Development: Use this report to look at patron's donation history by fiscal year.

  • General Manager: Use this report to look at patron's donation history by fiscal year and ticket buying.

Donor Summary   Top

Donor Summary
Donor Summary

You use the Donor Summary to print a quick synopsis of the donations for each Patron who has given.

You use the Donor Detail - Year (Program) to print the donations in order of fiscal year. A complete summary is printed, even notes and comments.

System Name: rDonationSummaryGeneric

  • Development: Use this report as a quick listing of all patrons that have given to your organization.

Donor Summary - Campaign & Giving Level (Program)   Top

Donor Summary - Campaign & Giving Level (Program)
Donor Summary - Campaign & Giving Level (Program)

You use the Donor Summary - Campaign & Giving Level (Program) to summarize the total donations amd print totals by program year, campaign and giving level.

System Name: rDonationSummaryProgYr

  • Development: Use this report to evaluate the donation campaigns over the course of a number of program years.

Donor Giving Trend by Year (Fiscal)   Top

Donor Giving Trend by Year (Fiscal)
Donor Giving Trend by Year (Fiscal)

You use the Donor Giving Trend by Year (Fiscal) to print an annual fiscal year donation total across the page for each patron. This indicates the giving trends for a donor.

System Name: rDonationYearHistory

  • Development: Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each fiscal year and assist with projecting future donations.

  • General Manager: Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each fiscal year and assist with projecting future donations.

Fields to include on the report

Fields to include on the report
Fields to include on the report

You can include or exclude the various donation types such as:

Real monetary donations

  • donations marked as 'gift'
  • those marked as 'hard pledge'
  • Matching Gifts that are associated with either of the above donation types

Not yet realized donations

  • soft pledge - those marked as potential donations
  • prospects - also marked as potential donations in their own category
  • soft credits - which given as a 'match' against real donations in the style of 'give or get'. usually applied to solicitors or board member campaigns.

Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program)   Top

Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program)
Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program)

You use the Donor Giving Trend by Year (Program) to print an annual program Donation total across thepage for each patron. This indicates the giving trends for a donor.

System Name: rDonationYearHistoryProgYr

  • Development: Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each program year and assist with projecting future donations.

  • General Manager: Use this report to look for trends in donor giving each program year and assist with projecting future donations.

Fields to include on the report

Fields to include on the report
Fields to include on the report

You can include or exclude the various donation types such as:

Real monetary donations

  • donations marked as 'gift'
  • those marked as 'hard pledge'
  • Matching Gifts that are associated with either of the above donation types

Not yet realized donations

  • soft pledge - those marked as potential donations
  • prospects - also marked as potential donations in their own category
  • soft credits - which given as a 'match' against real donations in the style of 'give or get'. usually applied to solicitors or board member campaigns.

Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing   Top

Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing
Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing

You use the Donor Email/Letter Correspondence Listing for a listing of emails or letters for a given patron.

System Name: rDonorActivityListing

  • All: Print letters associated with a patron according to the criteria. They are not necessarily donation letters