Course Reports

Courses Category
Courses Category

Course Attendance Sheet   Top

Course Attendance Sheet
Course Attendance Sheet

You use the Course Attendance Sheet ti generate a sheet to be used for attendance. As attendance is entered into theatre amanger, the results can be printed using this report.

System Name: rCourseAttendPrePrint

Intended Use Case:

  • Instructors: To print the donations in order of Fiscal Year Use this report to track attendance.

Course Roster   Top

Course Roster
Course Roster

The purpose of the Course Roster report is display who is attending the class. It also lists any relationships for the attendee so you can see things like parent contacts, emergency contacts etc.

System Name: rCourseRelationshipList

Intended Use Case:

  • Education: Managing the Course Roster and Emergency Contacts
  • Marketing: Cross selling other classes and courses to the parents
  • Box Office: To provide a list of who is in the building to fire personnel

Course Report Cards   Top

Course Report Cards
Course Report Cards

Being able to create, assign, and print report cards is part of the Courses module. Before report cards can be used, you need to set up the following in the Setup >> System Tables >>code table

System Name: rReportCard