Box Office Statistics

Box Office Statistics Category
Box Office Statistics Category

Ticket Purchase Times   Top

Ticket Purchase Times
Ticket Purchase Times

Generates an hourly breakdown of when tickets are purchased on a daily basis. This report also has additional Time Parameter and Sort & Subtotal options.

System Name: rTicketPurchTime

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to verify when the largest number of tickets are sold.

  • Marketing: Use this report to identify when ticket purchases happen throughout the day. Can inform when email or other marketing campaigns are released.

  • GM/ED: Useful to review on-sale data. How many patrons purchased in the first hour, as opposed to throughout the rest of the day. Can help inform how popular an event is.

Tickets Printed More Than Once   Top

Ticket Printed More Than Once
Ticket Printed More Than Once

The Tickets Printed More Than Once can be found under the Box Office Statistics category. This report generates an hourly breakdown of when tickets are purchased throughout a specified time parameter.

System Name: rTicketReprinted

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to verify when the largest number of tickets are sold.

  • Criteria Hints: It is recommended that this report be run using only one date or range of dates as the criteria.

Ticket Sales - By Employee   Top

Ticket Sales by Employee
Ticket Sales by Employee

Generates a detailed listing of the ticket sales by each employee for a specific date range.

System Name: rTicketSoldByDay

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to review employee sales volume. This report will include sales processed by the Web Listener.

  • Marketing: Use this report to review how much revenue was generated from the online web sales system.

Ticket Sales - By Order Solicitor (Detail)   Top

Ticket Sales by Solicitor (Detail)
Ticket Sales by Solicitor (Detail)

Generates a detailed listing of the orders for each employee.

System Name: rTicketSoldBySolicitorDetail

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to review employee sales volume. This report will include sales processed by the Web Listener.

Ticket Sales - By Order Solicitor (Summary)   Top

Ticket Sales by Solicitor (Detail)
Ticket Sales by Solicitor (Detail)

Generates a summary listing of the orders for each employee.

System Name: rTicketSoldBySolicitorSummary

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to review employee sales volume. This report will include sales processed by the Web Listener.

Ticket Sales - By Employee and Price Code   Top

Ticket Sales by Employee and Price Code
Ticket Sales by Employee and Price Code

Generates a detailed listing of the ticket sales by price code for each employee for a specific date.

System Name:rTicketSoldDailybyEmplByPriceCode

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to review employee sales volume. This report will include sales processed by the Web Listener.

  • Marketing: Use this report to review what Price Codes were sold on any given day.

Ticket Sales - By Employee and Promotion   Top

Ticket Sales by Employee/Promotion
Ticket Sales by Employee/Promotion

Generates a detailed listing of the ticket sales by promotion for each employee for a specific date or date range.

System Name: rTicketSoldDailybyEmplbyPromo

Intended Use Case:

  • Box Office: Use this report to review employee sales volume. This report will include sales processed by the Web Listener.

  • Marketing: Use this report to review what Sales Promotions were used on any given day.