Before proceeding, it may be useful to read about data exports.
You can export data from a variety of places in Theatre Manager, including:
From Reports
The generalized Export Data Report lets you export from almost any table in the database and is also available via File >> Import/Export >> Export Data. Some pre-formatted reports also have a dedicated Export Tab available.
From a Browser
Using the REST API, you can export information from almost any table in the database.
From a Pricing Map
Most commonly, seat name exports are used for easier editing in a spreadsheet software and re-imported back into the pricing map. Exporting the pricing map graphic is also useful for creating new maps. Less commonly, whole theatre map exports (details, seat names, and graphic) to a specialty format can be used for importing into other Theatre Manager databases.
From a G/L Entry
G/L entries exports are commonly used for import into separate accounting systems and are available in a variety of specialty format options.
From a Mail List
Similar to exporting data from any Theater Manager list, exporting patron information from the Who's In Tab is very common.
From a Ticket Face
Ticket faces can be exported to a specialty .tmf format for sharing with other systems.
From a Letter
Letters can be exported as .rtf, .html, or .txt files for use or editing in another application, usually to be re-imported back into your database.