The EFT file must be manually submitted through your bank's secure web portal, as such it is the responsibility of the organization to submit the EFT file. Theatre Manager will prepare, track, and create the EFT file, but beyond that, the remainder of the process needs to be completed by the organization.
Typically, the steps will be:
1. Log into your bank's secure web portal using an account id and password.
2. Navigate through the menu options to the EFT Upload File option.
3. Click the upload file button.
4. Choose the EFT File that was created from Theatre Manager.
5. Click upload -or- submit -or- the button selection to confirm the upload of the file.
When the file is uploaded to the bank, the bank will perform a pre-process file validation on the contents of the file. If any initial processing errors are noted, a failure message should be provided to you either directly from the web portal or via an email to the primary account holder registered with the bank account.
When the file is scheduled for processing, any post-processing errors should be provided to you either directly from the web portal or via an email to the primary account holder registered with the bank account.
It's the responsibility of the venue to take corrective action if there are any errors provided by the bank when processing the file. Corrective action will depend on what the error is.