EFT Setup (How To)

Setup Preperation for Accepting EFT Payments

1.Create a Merchant Provider for the Financial Institution where your bank account resides.

2.Create an EFT Payment Method linked to the Merchant Provider.

3. Set Employee Security - Functions for those employees who can create the EFT File for Submission to the financial instituation.

Payment Method Setup for EFT   Top

EFT Payment Method Setup

1. Create a new Payment Method in the Payment Methods Code Table.

2. Set the Payment Type as E.F.T.

Payment Methods
Payment Methods

3. Set the Payment Type as E.F.T.

Employee Setup for EFT   Top

EFT Employee Function Setup

1. Edit the Employee(s) who will create the EFT File from Theatre Manager.

Employee Function Tab.png
Employee Function Tab.png

2. Enable Create EFT bank transmission file in the functions tab under the Accounting options area for those employees who will be allowed to create the EFT File from Theatre Manager.