To take care of the credit balance, you perform the following steps:
1. Return to the patron record, and click the button.
- Select the credit balance order (the one in blue).
2. Click the button.
3. In the Payment window, create a REFUND (negative payment) for the full value of the order.
- Choose CASH as the payment method.
4. Click Create Refund Button.
To apply the credit to the debit balance, you perform the following steps:
1. Return to the patron record, and click the button.
- Highlight the debit balance order (the one in red).
2. Click the button.
- Make a payment for the full value of the order and use CASH as the payment method.
3. Click Accept Payment Button.
At your End Of Day, the GL Journal Entry Summary by Account will show a net effect to CASH of $0.
The GL Journal Entry DETAIL by Account will show $85 CASH in, and $85 CASH out.