Add a Giving Level

Add a Giving Level (How To)

Start a new giving level entry
Giving Level List Window

Enter a name for the new giving level matrix
Blank Giving Level Detail Window

Save the record
  • Click the Save button to make the detail tabs available for completion
Giving Level Detail Window >> Save Button

Start adding the first giving level range
  • Click the Add button (only accessible after you have saved a matrix name)
Add Giving Level Range Button

Enter the details for the newly named range
  • On the Giving Level Range Tab, enter a Giving Level Name, Lower Limit, and Upper Limit (e.g. Bronze, .01, 99.00)
Giving Level Range Tab

If desired, select a workflow notification for automatic emails to be sent when gifts are made and attached to the range
Giving Level Range Tab

If relevant, enter the benefit amount associated with the range
  • If there is a benefit that should reduce the tax-value of the receipt, go to the Giving Level Benefits Tab
  • Enter a description of the benefits associated with the giving level
  • Specify the non-tax-receiptable portion of the donation (e.g. giving at the $100 level may include a dinner valued at $25, so $25 would be entered as the non-receiptable portion)
Giving Level Benefits Tab

Save your newly entered range
  • Click the OK button to save the giving level range
  • Repeat steps 4 through 8 until you have have covered all possible numerical values for the matrix ($0.01 through $99,999,999,999.99) without any overlaps
OK Button